Sunday, September 8, 2013

July & August {In 12 points}

Oh me.

July and August are over and here I am reflecting on what has happened these past couple of months...

1.  I spent an afternoon with these lovely ladies. Much conversation and Starbucks were had.

2. I vacated my premises to spend some time at Starbucks to study. Or just to escape the spiders that were invading my back porch. 

{Don't you love the name on the cup? Now you'll understand if I have an identity crisis later in life. ;) }

3. I spent an evening with my future sister-in-law in which we ate brownies from the pan. 

Because true sisterhood doesn't happen until you do just that. 

4. I turned 19. And so did he. {He's my Colombian Twin.}

5. I also sorted pants on my birthday with some of my friends. 

6. I tried Pinkberry for the first time which led me to question my integrity of WHY DIDN'T I TRY IT SOONER?!?!

7. I chased a lion in my life which led me to a mentor. {Several months of prayer were involved on my part.}  

8. Justin came home for a week before he deployed. Much frozen yogurt was consumed and many conversations were had.

9. I applied to college three weeks before classes started. {Talk about an adventure.}

10. I took the step of obedience by getting baptized.

11. I met James Spann and {finally} Jamie of Jamie's Rabbits.

12. and I discovered, after extensive research, that I am 80% ENTJ. 

So, that was my July and August.

What about yours?

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